High Holiday Fun Kit 5781


One document containing all of the downloads in the AJYP High Holidays category for 5781

Tishrei Apples to Apples


Created by Ari Karon, Shaarei Shomayim (Toronto)

Apples to Apples with Tishrei chagim themed cards

Appropriate for: Family

Yom Tov Word Search-Hebrew


Created by Ari Steinig, YI of Southfield

Find the list of words associated with Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur Word Finds


Created by Andrew Galitzer, www.ANDiDREW.com

Search for words hidden in the Yom Kippur drawings!

Simanim Placemat


Created by Elisheva Levitt, Kemp Mill Synagogue (Silver Spring, MD)

A placemat with a guide to all the simanim

Appropriate for: Family

Sim Kehilla


Created by Rabbi Aaron Levitt, Kemp Mill Synagogue (Silver Spring, MD)

A family activity where you debate what to prioritze if you are starting a Jewish commuinity

Appropriate for: grades 6-12

Rosh Hashanah Taboo


Created by Nissan Goldberg, Young Israel of Great Neck

Rosh Hashanah Spot it


Created by Nissan Goldberg, Young Israel of Great Neck

Rosh Hashanah Napkin Rings craft project


Created by Faigy Prupas, Lower Merion Synagogue

Instructions and list of materials needed to make your own Rosh Hashanah themed Napkin rings

Appropriate for: 2nd - 5th grades

Rosh Hashanah memory


Created by Rivki Rosenthal, Keter torah

Rosh Hashanah memory game

Appropriate for: Ages 3-6

Race to the Honey Jar


Created by Malki Gerstle, Young Israel of Teaneck

Rosh Hashana board game.

Appropriate for: Ages 2-5

Edible Beehives: A food craft for kids


Created by Faigy Prupas, Lower Merion Synagogue

How to make an edible beehive

Appropriate for: 3-6 years old

Beautifying Kiddush


Created by Sharona Hassan, Sephardic Bikur Holim (Seattle)

color-in wine bottle covers

Appropriate for: preschool +

A Colorful New Year


Created by Sharona Hassan, Sephardic Bikur Holim (Seattle)

Rosh hashanah themed cards for Quick Cups. (need colored cups or cubes)

Appropriate for: All ages

Teshuva Towers


Created by Sharona Hassan, Sephardic Bikur Holim (Seattle)

A cooperative game (requires blocks and a die) to reflect on our Teshuva process.

Appropriate for: elementary